Download windows shortcuts new folder
Title: windows shortcuts new folderTotal downloads: 1411
Size: 29.14 MB
Lаtеst Rеlеаsе: 14.09.2012
Comprеssiоn: exe
Spееd: 20 Mb/s
Аuthоr: suolamoul
Shortcut Key To Create new Folder.
Ctrl+Shift+N to Create a new folder . This is a legacy command from win95, so it is available in all versions of windows since 95. Best place for window shortcuts is
Shortcut key to create new folder Windows XP jim p said: > I'm creating new folders all the time in windows explorer. > Is there a key combination to do this
Keyboard shortcuts for Windows.
Keyboard shortcut for creating a new.
well in windows 7 you can use this combination to make a new folder : shift+Ctrl+N is there such combination in windows xp sp3 to do this?
How to create a new folder by using shortcut key on your keyboard Windows 7 only.
23.09.2011 · This article lists keyboard shortcuts that you can use with Windows.
Usually we create new folder in windows by right clicking and then going to New –> Folder. But how to create a new folder using keyboard shortcuts?
How to Create a New Folder using Windows.
Windows-Taste Short Cuts Keyboard shortcut for creating a new.
Sofort Zu Reparieren Die PC Windows. Laden Reparatur-Tool Frei !
Short Cuts Windows XP Der windows